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                                WHOSE LAW IS IN YOUR MOUTH?

       During the Exodus Moses taught that "eating unleavened bread for the seven day Feast of Unleavened Bread shall serve as a mark on the hand and as a mark on the forehead that the law of the Lord may be in your mouth."

          The Feast of Unleavened Bread is one of the three groups of Holy Days which  the Lord wrote on tablets of stone on Mt. Sinai to teach His people.



                                    Whose Holy Days Do You Observe –
                Jesus Christ's, or the Anti-Christ’s?


           Learn what direction the Lord expects us to turn. To His Ways or toward the worlds ways.  Does He accept partial obedience?

           Learn God's Plan of Salvation seen in His Festivals. The step by step way to return to God. The steps are our tutor to lead us to Christ.  Honor god by observing Jesus Christ's Holy Days, not the anti-Christ's holidays.

           Forgiveness for your sin is Jesus' gift to satisfy your need.  If you cling to this truth you will desire to honor Jesus with every word from your mouth.

           How can we purify our lives to only honor our CREATOR'S Laws and not give honor to any created man's laws?

           Find the answers to these questions in the following STUDY, or by clicking  HERE  to download a copy of the study "Whose Holy Days do You Observe - Jesus Christ's, or the Anti-Christ's?"         Or, read it here;

       "Whose Holy Days do you observe -

       Jesus Christ's, or the Anti-Christ's?"

      The Lord spoke to His people from Mt. Sinai to give them instructions. These included Ten Commandments and many ordinances which included His Feasts which His people were to celebrate for Him (Ex 23:14-17, NASB throughout).

       Why is this speech important? In it the Lord is teaching us His ordinances which are points of moral integrity - or attributes of God which we need to observe to honor Him.  This is "Righteousness."


        During the Exodus, Mt. Sinai is the place where God added the law to His Covenant of promise which he had established with Abraham. This famous passage finds the Lord speaking His Law from Mt. Sinai, amid smoke and fire, (Exodus CH 19 - 23). Here, the people take an oath, "All that the Lord has spoken we will do, and we will be obedient!" (Ex24:7, NASB throughout).  Read these commands in your bible.

       Then the Lord said to Moses, “Come up to Me on the mountain and remain there, and I will give to you the stone tablets with the law and the commandments which I have written for their instruction.” The Hebrew word “law” in Ex24:12 is found in Strong’s Concordance #H8451, and means; a precept or a statute, especially the Decalogue or the whole Pentateuch - the first five books of the bible!
       In the Lord's speech which He wrote on stone tablets, among the commandments we find the celebration of three national feasts periods each year, (Ex 23:14-17). The weekly Sabbath and all seven other appointed times which are Holy to the Lord are listed in Leviticus Ch 23.


       The Lord reminded His people, "You yourselves have seen what I did to the Egyptians and how I bore you on eagle's wings, and brought you to Myself." Then He said ,"be on your guard and do not mention the name of other gods, nor let them be heard from your mouth," (Ex 23:13). Don't inquire about their ways.
Jesus called the church in His day hypocrites because "They neglected the commandment of God and held to the traditions of men," (Mark 7:6-8).

       Man's Easter and Christmas holidays fit this category. They have been promoted over the centuries by the "little horn of the Roman beast" prophesied in Daniel 7:25. They are not included in God's commandments.  Just as Rome intended to change the holiness of the Lord's weekly seventh day Sabbath rest to Sunday, they have spread the tradition of the Easter resurrection celebration and Jesus' speculated birthday to replace the Lord's Holy convocation times commanded in Scripture. This is what the devil intended - "to make alterations in times and law," (Dan 7:25). The weekly Sabbath is one "time," and the annual Feasts are other "times." The devil also changed the purposed holiness of his new times by making his own "laws," and have us believe they are God's law and commandments.

       The New Testament teaches us how to celebrate Jesus' Resurrection through baptism. He did not tell us to celebrate His birthday at all. We are to celebrate redemption through Jesus' blood sacrifice which is taught by the symbolism at PASSOVER and the other FEASTS and the Temple sacrifices. The PASSOVER Feast now includes the bread and wine of the Lord's Super.


       Many churches teach that God wrote the Ten Commandments but that Moses wrote the rest of the law, which they say are “ordinances” and are different from the Ten Commandments. They point to a statement in the New Testament book of Colossians where it says that it is our “certificate of debt” which was taken away and nailed to the cross, (Col 2:13-14). Or, they point to a statement in the letter to Ephesians which says that in Christ Jesus' flesh, the "enmity" was abolished which is the law of commandments contained in ordinances, (Eph 2:15). Are the ordinances part of the law? Let's look at these claims.
       The meanings of the words used in the bible where the "law" is given overlap and can be used interchangeably, which has confused many. The context of the passages must be considered to figure out the teaching. The following six words are used to describe God's Law:

 WORD       STRONG'S #                                                         CAN ALSO MEAN:

    Law                                8451                                                                            precept, or statute, esp. the Decalogue or Pentateuch

    commandment                4687                                                                            collectively the Law, ordinance, precept

    statute                            2706                                                                            commandment, law

    word                               1697                                                                            commandment, oracle, decree, song

    precept                           6490                                                                            mandate from God, collectively the law,
commandment,                                                                                                                                precept, statute

    ordinance                       4941                                                                             verdict, formal decree, divine law, judgment

       Some say that ceremonial laws were against the people, exacting penalties for disobedience. They say the penalties for disobedience were nailed to the cross. Does this make sense? The real purpose of the holy convocations, or Feasts, is to teach the steps of faith experienced by God's people to return to our Redeemer again, after we have fallen into bondage of sin. These festivals are our tutor to lead us to Christ. The ceremonies were both spoken by God and written by God. These ceremonies point to Jesus, who fulfilled all of the sacrificial offerings. The Laws and ceremonies are our tutors to lead us to Christ, (Gal 3:24).

       The “Ten Commandments” were considered 'heads' or summaries of the specific laws that followed to govern specific behaviors. These included civil laws, property rights, personal injuries, personal injuries, holy times to worship the Lord, and conquests of the promised land.   A brief outline of Ex 20-23;

        Ch 20 Ten summaries of commandments or “heads”

        Ch 21 ordinances and personal injuries

        Ch 22 property rights, sundry laws, and personal relations

        Ch 23 the Sabbath and the land, three national feasts, the conquest of the land, and sundry laws

We should base our Holy Day doctrines on the original speech made by the Lord - which He wrote on stone tablets.


       Jesus said, “If you believed Moses, you would believe Me; for he wrote of Me. But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe My words?” (Jn 5:46-47).

       The Lord spoke and wrote the law and the Ten Words (Commandments) to Moses on Mt. Sinai for him to instruct the people, (Ex 19:3-24:12, and Ex 34:1,10-26 ).  It was later, the Lord had Moses recite all these laws to His people on Mt. Nebo before entering Canaan, and He had Moses write them in a book (Deut 1:1, 4:44, 5:1, 6:1 - 31:9), to be a witness against them (Deut 31:24-28). Later prophets refer to this as "The book of the law" or "The law of Moses."


       We should base our Holy Day doctrines on the original speech made by the Lord - which He wrote on stone tablets.


       Jesus tells us, "On two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets," Math 22:40).  Neither of the two commandments that Jesus refers to are in the Ten Words, or Commandments of Ex19-24 or Ex 34. They are in Leviticus 19:18 and Deuteronomy 6:4-5. Those who say that all laws except the Ten Commandments were nailed to the cross would throw out the two laws that JESUS says all His Laws and the Prophets depend on!!  WOW!

       How will you learn to appreciate Jesus' sacrifice for us if you don't read and study and understand all the sacrifices required for our sins under the Law?  If you don't see all the  BAD NEWS  of your condemnation due to lawlessness - how will you see the  GOOD NEWS  of Jesus Christ's sacrifice for our sins?   The seven annual Feast Days illustrate how God's Plan of Salvation works.  The Feasts are found in Lev 23 with a link to a complete article at the end of this study.

    The Lord's Holy Convocations, or Feasts, specifically listed in Leviticus Ch 23 are summarized here;

     Sabbath -- a rest on seventh day, a Holy convocation-blessings (Is 58:13-14).
     Passover – a deliverance from the death decree of sin offered - follow the Lord’s teachings, putting faith in His blood sacrifice to declare us righteous.
     Feast of Unleavened Bread – eat only from the unleavened bread of scripture to learn God’s true ways of how we should live in humility before Him, and remain    in fellowship with Him in His Promised Land, or Inheritance.
     Wave Sheaf Offering – The Christ was accepted as a pure offering of the first fruits of all the harvest of mankind who follow Him.
     Feast of Harvest – is also called the Feast of Weeks – or Feast of Pentecost – if we examine ourselves according to His Law, we should see our need to confess that we fall short of the glory of God – we are sinners. If we compare ourselves to Christ’s offering, we should see the great need we have of a Redeemer – and the Good News of our Deliverance by Him. The Good News is that He came to save sinners! We are accepted as a disciple and given the Holy Spirit to learn to walk in His ways and practice the Truth.
     Feast of Trumpets – we are told of the coming battle and judgment. So we should want to drive out all defilement from our hearts and lives.
     Day of Atonement – we see how our sins are covered and their remembrance is removed by the two symbolic goats. We are safe from God’s wrath through  Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God. We have our guilt removed.
     Feast of Tabernacles – we cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit so that God will come and be our Father and we will be His sons and daughters, to be kings and queens to rule with Him for a thousand years. His everlasting covenant is fulfilled.

     We can know that none of the Old Testament law was cancelled through several “Linkage Texts” which show that the Old Covenant laws and the New Covenant laws are the same!
             Math 5:17…Do not think I came to abolish the law or the prophets.
             Luke 16:31…if you don't listen to Moses - neither will you listen if one is raised from dead.
             John 5:47..if you don't believe Moses' writings-how will you believe My Words?
             Acts 15:19-21..for those turning to God-Moses is read every Sabbath.
             Rom 7:1…the law has jurisdiction over a person as long as he lives.
             Romans 15:4…whatever was written in earlier times was written for our instruction.
             1 Cor 10:6..all the events in Israel’s life happened as examples for us.
             2 Cor 5:21..Paul wrote that Jesus had no sin because Jesus fulfilled the O.T.
             (Lk 24:44, Rom 8:4). The Feasts and ceremonial laws required a sacrificial animal to be free from any defect to make atone-
                   -ment with the Lord, (Lev 4:13,22,27 any sin offering.( Lev 16:5,15,21-29,30). Also see 1 John 3:5.
             Eph 2:19-20..God's household is built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets.
             Heb 8:8-12 "New Covenant" = Jer 31:31-34 (New Covenant)
             Heb 10:28..anyone who has set aside the Law of Moses dies by the testimony of two or three witnesses.

       The weight of evidence from Scripture shows that no law goes away from the Old Testament to the New Testament, (exception is Heb 7 change of Levitical priesthood). Scripture would explain if there were any other law changes. There are no other exceptions.

       Jesus brought all things into existence, (Col 1:16, Heb 1:1-2). This includes the Old Covenant and its Laws. Does it make any sense that Jesus would define the blessings and curses and then take them away? They cannot be removed by any man or any church. The choice of returning to God’s conditions is always our free choice.

       All the laws of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy were added to the covenant made with Abraham to "define righteousness," (Gal 3:17-19 fn). These laws contain blessings and curses.
       The Lord had Luke write in Acts to have new converts to Christ “to be circumcised and learn the Law of Moses” (Acts 15:19-21). This Law of Moses means the complete Law of God - including the "Deuteronomy Recap" which Moses wrote and taught God's people (Dt Ch 1-32).

       Jesus Christ came in order that the requirements of "the Law" might be fulfilled in us NOW, who do not walk according the flesh, but according to the Spirit, (Romans 8:3-4). The "Ten Commandments" are only part of this. The Lord's eight Holy Feast Times are also part of this.

       We are not saved by the keeping of laws. After we realize that we are saved only by His grace towards us - then we show that we want to exclude all worldly ways from our life, including pagan rights and traditions which were not given by Jesus. We should want to honor God's laws only - to show our gratitude for redemption, (Rom 12:1-2, 2 Cor 7:1).

       The writer of Hebrews later wrote that “anyone who sets aside the Law of Moses dies on the testimony of two or three witnesses” Heb 10:28.

       Jesus Himself said that not one jot or tittle of the law would pass away until heaven and earth pass away (Mathew 5:17-18).

               Math 5:17 Jesus filled up the law to full meaning-didn't take it away.

               Math 5:21-48 Jesus applied the commands more stringently on us.

               Romans 7:5,7-12 The Law is holy, righteous and good-it isn't gone.

               Romans 3:31 The law is established through faith, not nullified.

       We don’t need anyone to tell us that heaven and earth have not passed away yet!  So don’t let any man tell you that any of the law has passed away! The prevalent word used by Paul though Romans Ch 3-9 for “law” is word #3551 in Strong’s original Concordance.  It means regulation (specifically the law of Moses) {including the volume} also the gospel, or figuratively (a principle): law. To stretch our meaning of a word to serve a doctrine is to take away from scripture and contradict its teaching.


       Some say the law was nailed to the cross with Jesus - so we are under Grace. What does Paul tell the Colossians was nailed to the cross? “When you were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He made you alive together with Him having forgiven us all our trespasses, having cancelled out the “certificate of debt” consisting of decrees against us and which was hostile to us, and He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross, (Col 2:13-14).

       John reminds us of the process in Rev 20:12 where the dead are judged by the things written in the books according to their deeds. This is the "certificate of debt." We must turn to Jesus Christ's act of sacrifice in our place, and have faith in God accepting Him as the fulfillment of the First Fruits of the Harvest of those who believe in Christ, (Lev 23:9-14, 1 Cor 15:20-23). Then we are counted as righteous. Those who do not believe in Christ have not had their sins blotted out - their certificate of debt remains written on the books.

       There is no "certificate of debt" contained in the Ten Commandments or the Law of Moses anywhere. The debt comes from our breaking the law. From the act of sinning. From transgressing the law. Our "police record!" (Rev 20:12).

       We need the rich teaching of the Holy Day ceremonies today to see how God's plan of salvation works, so that we can turn from the "bad news" of our condemnation (due to lawlessness and from breaking God's law) - to the "GOOD NEWS" of Jesus Christ's death on the cross for us as our substitute. He offers us His 'sin payment death' to appease God's wrath against sin, (Rom 5:9).

       When a criminal was executed on a stake, it was customary to nail a list of his crimes on the stake. An example is the sign placed above Jesus' head (Jn 19:19-21). His crime was that He said He was the King of the Jews. The certificate of debt is not enmity - it is an actual list of what laws the person broke. The Romans thought Jesus was blaspheming their King Caesar.


       Some also say the law was abolished at the cross by quoting Paul. In Ephesians 2:14-16 we find; "He Himself--made both groups into one, and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall by abolishing in His flesh the enmity,” which is the Law of commandments contained in ordinances…and He might reconcile both groups (Jews and Gentiles) into one body to God through the cross, by it having put to death the enmity."

               Paul's imagery is probably that of the Temple. Surrounding the Temple was a wall with a sign "which forbade any foreigner to go in, on pain of death" This   was the boundary fence between Jew and Gentile. Messiah tore the veil of the temple and removed the barrier between Jews and Gentiles. (Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews 15:11:5(417))

               "The enmity of the dividing wall of partition is between Jews and Gentiles. The Law itself is "Holy" (Rom 7:12) and it did not cause the enmity directly (Rom  7:5-14). Enmity between Jews and Gentiles is certainly sin. The Law occasioned sin in the two groups by stimulating people's sinful propensities ( Rom 5:12-21). The enmity had four components;
                   1- Gentile envy of the special status accorded by God to Israel in the Law.
                   2- Jewish pride by being chosen.
                   3- Gentile resentment of that pride.
                   4- Mutual dislike of each other's customs.

            This is why it is appropriate to say that the enmity between Jews and Greeks was "occasioned" by the Law." (David Stern, Jewish New Testament Commentary, 1992, Jewish New Testament Publications, Clarksville, MD.p585).

       The Jews persecuted the Thessalonians who were turning to the Lord and hindered Paul's preaching of the Good News, even as they killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets and drove Paul out, (1 Thes 2:14-16). This is the enmity between nations, or races of people. This enmity can be seen between new converts and old converts, or between denominations, or as was between the circumcised and the uncircumcised, (Gal 2:11-15, Acts 15). The "fleshly" deeds are listed in Galatians 5; 19-21.   Any enmity towards our neighbor or a different kind of follower of Jesus is sin.

       ENMITY is aroused by the law. Then lust gives birth to sin,(James 1:14-15). Enmity is not law. The law is righteous, holy, and good (Rom 7:12).
Is the Law sin? "May it never be" (Rom 7:7).


       When Josiah became king in ancient Judah, he did right in the sight of the Lord. When his priests found the book of the law they realized the people had forsaken the Lord and burned incense to other gods.  Josiah tore his clothes and had the priests inquire about the Lord's wrath.

       But the Lord showed mercy to Josiah for inquiring about the law. He said;"because your heart was tender and you humbled yourself before the Lord and tore your clothes and wept - I truly have heard you - you shall be gathered to your grave in peace."

       King Josiah made a covenant before the Lord to walk after Him and keep His commandments and His testimonies and statutes with all his heart and all his soul to carry out the words of the covenant written in the book. Josiah had the people keep the PASSOVER as written in the book of the law. He removed the idols and all abominations in the land to confirm the words of the law.
Scripture says; "There was no king before or after him who turned to the Lord with all his heart and with all his soul and his might according to the Law of Moses" (2 Kin 22-23).


       Why Keep Easter and Christmas according to what the Roman Church introduced? The name Easter is an Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring and was absorbed by the Roman church at the council of Nicea in 325. Christmas received widespread recognition in 354 AD in Rome. Both these traditions of men began too late to be part of the new covenant or the laws which God will write on our heart. Man began them after Jesus ratified the New Covenant with His blood on the cross. Most people substitute these holidays instead of God's Holy Days, which were specified in the law before the cross. If they keep both they would not be purifying their life to honor the Lord by turning to His Ways from pagan rituals.

       The "Protestants" in 1517 broke from the Roman Church over the issue of righteousness by Faith. However, they did not see fit to return to the bible times and laws pertaining to Holy Days. They were only "Partial Protestants." The Lord would like us to be "Complete Protest-ants" to the Roman Church doctrines.

               Here are some more examples of SATAN'S COUNTERFEITS;

       What greater insult could Satan conjure up than a make believe elf called Saint Nicholas which is omniscient, omnipotent, works miracles, and executes judgment on children after deciding if they are righteous? The Easter bunny character is as big a blasphemy. Satan does not want us to give thought to why Jesus had to legally come and die. Satan wants you to think of rapidly reproducing bunnies in the springtime. He does not want you to observe the Lord's Passover or Feast of Unleavened Bread - both of which teach people about Jesus, "The Lamb of God" and Jesus, "The Unleavened Bread which came down out of heaven," (John 1:29, 6:32-35, 1 Cor 11;24).

       Satan allows the churches to mention Pentecost as a historical celebration of when the Holy Spirit was given to the world, but not to make the arrival of Pentecost a time to examine yourself and confess your condition - in need of God's Holy Spirit as a guide in your return to God. The Fall Festivals which are all referred to as the Feast of Tabernacles, are all but forgotten in name and meaning, because the devil has replaced scripture with other teachings. At Christmas, he even seems to have put the letters of his name on the Christ like character SANTA, as our Lord had changed ABRAM'S name to ABRAHAM.

Remember we are not to ever mention the name of a foreign or worldly god, (Ex 23:13 Sinai speech).

       If you study your bible and seek to know God - you should be able to tell there is no biblical teaching to be had for Christmas or Easter celebrations.  Easter is not a good translation in Acts 12:4 - Paul kept Passover and the other Feasts. Look up the word used in Acts 12:4 in an older Strong's Concordance - it is to be Passover. Paul told the Corinthians to imitate him as he imitates Jesus Christ, (1 Cor 11:1).  Paul did not observe pagan festivals. Paul teaches that Jesus is our Passover Lamb, (1 Cor 5:7-8).

       Remember, "Everything written in earlier times is for our instruction," (Romans 15:4), and "All that happened to Israel is for our example…," (1Corintians 10:6). Therefore, the Holy Feasts which the The Lord commanded to keep (Ex 19-23 speech), are also for us, (see linkage texts).  When Israel observed pagan festivals - it was idolatryIt was SIN. The Lord considered His bride Israel as a harlot and divorced her, (Jer 3:8), sending her into exile where they perished and rotted away, (Dan 9: 7-14).

       If we follow some of the Lord’s Holy Days, such as the weekly Sabbath only, and follow other pagan festivals for Easter and Christmas, we are mixing the cup of the Lord with the cup of demons, (1Cor 10:21).

               This is like many examples in the Old Testament of Israel’s history:

       King Jehu did right in the sight of the Lord - but he was not careful to walk in the law of the Lord, ( 2kin 10:16 good, 28-31 evil).
       Other examples; King Amaziah (2Chron 25:2, 14-15) and King Jotham (2Kings15:34-35).
       What happened to these kings and the people? The city of Jerusalem and the people were punished by the curse being poured out on them, according to the law of Moses and Jeremiah the prophet, (Jer 25:6-11, Dan 9: 2,11,16).

       If you teach that the Laws which are to become our "tutor and lead us to Christ” are gone, you will be cursed, and not come to know and appreciate our Savior (Gal 3:24, Duet 4:2, 12:32).  Don't be like the little horn of Daniel 7 and "intend to make changes in God's times and in law."  Adding to scripture or subtracting from scripture to keep idols or family traditions is transgression against God's Law.

       Elijah asked, "How long will you hesitate between two opinions?" If the Lord is God, follow Him: but if the little horn of the Roman beast, follow him, (1Kin 18:21, Dan 7:23-25).

      Do not make alterations in times and in law -             CHANGE YOURSELF.                                               Are you prepared to change how you worship?


       We must not be influenced by the surrounding nations or the foreigners or pagans still living in the land where the Lord has placed us for our spiritual exodus from the physical world of the flesh, (Joshua 24:20, Judges 2;21-3:4). Apply these ideas to any new situation the Lord introduces us into, (James 4:4).

       The Lord gives His people the "law of possessing the land" (Num 33:50-56) when they crossed to the Promised Land in the Old Testament. They were to drive out the “pagan inhabitants.” Those remaining will "be as pricks in your side. As I plan to do to them, so I will do to you." When we cross spiritually into the promised rest "In Christ" in the New Covenant, we find the same command to
purify ourselves of all defilement (2 Cor 7:1), and to "come out of the 'world'" (Rom 12:1-2).

       The Lord warns us not to follow any prophet if they say to go up after other gods. A prophet may not make a direct invitation to you, but instruct you to follow pagan practices which aren't in god's Law, (Deut 13:1-5). Obey God to drive out all the false gods and teachings and have peace with the Lord;
               Judges 2:1-3 Their gods will be a snare to Israel.
               Judges 2:21-22 The Lord watched whether Israel would keep the way of the Lord
               Judges 3:1-4 The nations were left to test Israel

       Read your bible. The Lord had Moses to read His Law every seven years in front of all His people at the Feast of Booths. If you don't observe this "appointed Feast of the Lord," when will the laws of the Lord be read? (Dt 31:9-11).

       After so many cycles of bondage and deliverance, God’s people should have wanted to honor the Lord for His loving kindnesses toward them. The Lord even had Moses change His fourth commandment from observing the Sabbath Day to remember that the Lord Created them (Exodus 20), to “observe the Sabbath day to remember that the Lord delivered you out of bondage (Deuteronomy 5).
       We should want to obey all of His Laws. We must worship Him and know Him for His testimony of forgiveness and deliverance, in addition to Him being our Creator. Also consider Exodus 23:13, Deuteronomy 12:29-32, and Jeremiah 10:2-3.


       We must know the Lord’s Holy Scripture very well to recognize counterfeit laws and traditions from the beast - Satan.  Scripture tells us to be on the alert. Our adversary, the devil, prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.  Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, even disguising themselves as apostles of Christ (2 Cor 11:13-15, 1Pet 5:8)
       Zephaniah reports the Lord saying, “I will gather those who grieve about the Appointed Feasts-they came from you, O Zion; the reproach of exile is a burden on them, But I will gather a Remnant," (Zeph 3:18-20).

       Zechariah reports the Lord saying that even Jerusalem’s enemies will go up to the Feast of Booths, (Zech 14:16-19). The Lord will smite the people who do not go up to celebrate the Feast of Booths.

Three Angel's Message in Revelation

         In Revelation 14:6-7 the first angel preaches the eternal gospel to all nations, as Mathew reported Jesus' commission. Fear God and give Him Glory as the Creator (Ex 20:8-11, Rom 1:25).

       A second angel taught that Babylon had been defeated and fallen. Don't drink of her immorality. Don't observe any of her practices or holy days, (Rev 14:8).

       The third angel reminds all not to worship the beast or his image. In any way. Do not worship any creature rather than worshipping the CREATOR, (Romans 1:25), or you will get the mark of the beast. That's what the third angel is warning, (Rev 14:9-12).

       Some think the weekly Sabbath is the mark of the Lord. Others think the annual Feasts are the mark of the Lord. Others think using the name Jehovah is the mark of the Lord. Some think that speaking in tongues is the mark of the Lord. However, Rev 14:9-11 is a general statement or announcement. It does not specify which Law is crucial. FOLLOWING ANY OF THE ANTI CHRIST TEACHINGS CAN EARN YOU THE MARK OF THE BEAST - because his teachings are in your thoughts and in the works of your hands. Scripture gives us a very simple, condensed picture of this path of sin in Genesis 2:16-17, 3:1-6. Adam and Eve listened to someone else's teachings instead of the Lord's teaching.

       What if we keep the Lord's weekly Sabbath Day but also keep the anti-Christ's holy days of Easter and Christmas? This would still be IDOLATRY. We cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons, ( 1 Cor 10:21).

But what is the mark of the Lord?

       The Lord's mark is what we want!  The Lord told us to keep three annual Feasts in His speech to Moses for instruction of the people of His covenant (Ex 23:14-19, 24:12).  During the Exodus Moses taught that eating unleavened bread for the seven day Feast of Unleavened Bread shall serve as a mark on the hand and as a mark on the forehead that the law of the Lord may be in your mouth, (Exodus 13:9).

      Those who have the law of the Lord in their mouth will be marked in the forehead as God's faithful remnant. (Josh 1:8, Zephaniah 3:18). We cannot have the Lord's mark if we have someone else's teachings in our mouth.

       We must also be among those who sigh and groan over the abominations in the temple - at how the beast has counterfeited the Lords holy days. This mark on the forehead is described in Ezekiel 9:4-5.

        We have described the mark of the Lord which the beast is counter-feiting. This counterfeit is prophesied in Revelation 13:1-18, 14:9-11. The only scripture which explains what the Lord's mark is that the devil has counterfeited is Exodus 13:9 and 16.

       We must have the Law of the Lord in our mouth and we must redeem our natural fleshly nature with a lamb -- JESUS.  If we are truly sorry for the condition of the church committing adultery with the counterfeit teachings, and counterfeit worship days, we will sigh and groan. This shall serve as a mark on our forehead and a mark on our hand, that we have redeemed our natural, fleshly nature with Jesus' sacrifice, and are seeking the spirit of God to recreate Himself and His Way in our heart and mind, (Ex 13: 9,16).

       Jesus taught that the foremost commandment is that "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength." The second is this, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."

       Keeping His Holy Feasts is in the top tier of importance, without ignoring the Love Your Neighbor law. Ignoring either is sin!


         Repent as Hezekiah responded, with a tender heart as an example for us in the Old Testament (2 Chronicles Ch.29-31);
       King Hezekiah is a beautiful example of returning to the Lord. He realized that the Lord's wrath was against his people because of their unfaithfulness to the Law of the Lord when they worshiped pagan gods and festivals of the surrounding peoples. The King had the temple cleansed and consecrated. He re-instituted the Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread.
       He also appointed the King's portion of his goods for the burnt offerings, for the morning and evening burnt offerings, and for the Sabbaths, the new moons, and for the Fixed Festivals, as it s written in the law of the Lord, (2 Chrn 31:3).  We should honor Christ by keeping His Festivals, not the anti-Christ and his festivals.

       Moses was told to instruct god’s people with all the words which the Lord had spoken and written in commandments and laws (Ex 19:3-24:12). We must be prepared to eat every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God (Duet 8:4, Math 4:4). Don’t just change your way of thinking – CHANGE YOUR LIFE!

       If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's offspring, heirs according to the promise (Gal 3:29).  Jesus said, "If you are Abraham's children, do the deeds of Abraham," (John 8:39). Abraham believed and it was reckoned as righteousness (Gen 15:6).

       The covenant was established with Abraham's son "because Abraham obeyed Me and kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes, and My laws," (Gen 26:5).

       Jesus cautioned the unrepentant cities, "Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me," (Mt 11:29).  The Festival plan is an important schoolmaster to teach us of our Lord's Plan of salvation, as it taught His first people (Gal 3:24).

Remember Why God sent Israel into exile;

        Her priests have done violence to My law and have made no distinction between the holy and the profane, and they have not taught the difference between the unclean and the clean; and they hide their eyes from My Sabbaths and I am profaned by them,” (2 Chrn 36:14-17, Ezek 22:26).

       Anyone reading this study has been given the gift of literacy and a bible to study. Since we have the guidance of the Holy Spirit and we have the author of the bible, Jesus - we are guilty if we defy the way of the Lord, (Num 15:30-31). Also, If we are defiant, and don't purify ourselves from our uncleanness of pagan worship, we can be cut off from His people, (Num 19:20).

       Jesus said, "Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven; but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven,” (Mt7:21). We do not honor god by following counterfeit laws of the little horn beast of Rome. We dis-honor God.

       The lord never changes, (Mal 3:6). Jesus still observes His appointed times that He gave His people. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, (Heb 13:8). Why not rest and observe His Holy Days with Him, instead of man-made holidays? When you know the right thing to do and don't do it, it is sin, (James 4:17).


       God wants our time - to learn His ways. REST WITH HIM.  The FEAST DAYS are God's special APPOINTED TIMES.  Rest with Him to acknowledge that they are true (Math 11:29).  Don't lie to yourself.  How does God feel about HIS HOLY THINGS?


       We have seen that The Ten Commandments and the Law are the same teachings of the Law and the prophets - and also the same testimony of the Old Testament good kings, and the same testimony of Jesus and Paul.  Since Jesus came to fulfill the Law, His life testimony must match all the law and commandments - and it does! Read Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John.

       Now, we have proven that no part of the law has gone away - as Jesus told us. The three annual Feast periods were given to God's people in the exact same speech as the Ten Commandments, and written on stone tablets.

       Sloppy or careless dividing of the word of God can cost you eternal life. Rather, handle the word of truth accurately - how, when, to whom, and why it was given. Don't divide it into separate contexts, ( 2 Tim 2:15).

       Therefore, Scripture can say, “To the Law and the testimony; if they do not speak according to this word, it is because they have no dawn,” (Is 8:20).  Jesus Christ is returning soon. Show Him that you want to honor Him - the Creator -
Jesus Christ instead a creature, the anti-Christ, (Rom 1:25).

        Don’t mix the Law of the Creator with the law of the creature, as some of the Old Testament kings did. The Lord will turn you over to a reprobate mind, (Rom 1:25 and 28).  We must have our testimony match the Law and the testimony of the kings 'who did right in the sight of the Lord.' The best example of which is David who always returned to the Lord for forgiveness if he did wrong. As David, we can have the judgment; "they did right in the sight of the Lord" if we seek God and repent, (1 Kin 15:5).

               Be found "IN CHRIST," not found in Anti-Christ.

       What words are in your mouth?    What Holy Day celebration activities are in your hands?

       We have seen what was written in earlier times for our instruction.   We have also seen all that happened to Israel as examples for us, (Rom 15:4,
1Cor 10:6).   "Choose today whom you will serve, the god's your fathers served or the gods of the Roman church, or serve the LORD, ( Josh 24:15). Don't just think about these teachings and become entangled in the cares of life again. REPENT FROM THEM NOW.

       John the Baptist said the Lord would immerse (baptize) you in the Holy Spirit and fire, (Math 3:11). Allow Him to immerse you in His Holy spirit to produce fruits of His spirit (John 15, Gal 5:22-24).


       Will you allow the Lord to purify you from following the beast and allow Him to cleanse you from the mark of the beast?    Allow the Lord to put you through fiery trials to purify you, (Mal 3:2-3), as He said He would, (Math 3;11).

       Pray for the Lord to guide you in observing His Holy Convocations, - - - His Feasts.

               Do three things;
                        1- Read the bible (eat, and study the scriptures in this study)
                        2- Pray (breathe - ask the Author to give you Holy spirit guidance)
                        3- Exercise (testify of the Light you have found)

       Study these Feasts of the Lord in your bible. Also read about "God's Plan of Salvation Seen in His  8  Festivals" through the following Link;

       Elijah asked, How long will you hesitate between two opinions? If the Lord is god, follow Him But if Baal (the little horn of the Roman beast) is god, follow him. (1 Kings 18:21).

       By adapting to more of the Lord's teachings from the stone tablets that He wrote - we will find more persecution, as He said we would find if we follow Him.
 Many people stop learning and walking with the Lord because they tire of persecution and suffering. But if we defy the Lord's teaching we will be cut off (Ex 23:14-17, Num 19:20, 2 Tim 3:12, 1 Pet 3:17, 4:1-3).

       "God will render to each man according to his deeds; to those who by perseverance in doing good seek for glory and honor and immortality, eternal life" (Rom 2:7). 

       "If you are ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of man will also be ashamed of him when he comes in the glory o
f His Father and His Holy Angels," (Mk 8:38).

         Don't find the Lord saying to you, "You have a zeal for God, but not according to Scripture," (Rom 10:2).

        "Because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved..god will send upon them a deluding influence so that they might believe what is false, in order that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness" (2 thes 2:10-12).
       Follow these Bible texts to God's Word to satisfy yourself that they are accurate. 

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